We hope by now you have grown accustomed to the new online home of Camps Equinunk & Blue Ridge! Not only is our new website jam-packed with information about our camps but we have added some pretty special features that will only enhance your online experience at CECBR.com even further! Be sure to check them out:
CampInTouch from the Homepage: Our CampInTouch system is now even more accessible with a login from the homepage of CECBR.com! Just enter your Email & Password and click GO to gain access!
Official BLOG of CECBR is now available on the website: We have moved our blog from Tumblr to our new site. Now everything is in one place and we will continue to update this area with news and updates year-round. To visit the blog, you can click on the green ‘BLOG’ button from the homepage or in the lower left hand corner of any inner page.
iCamp: iCamp is specially designed for interaction and exploration! You can visit our Interactive Map to see all of the amazing activities and facilities we offer on both our Equinunk and Blue Ridge campus. You will even get a sneak-peak at some of our New Facilities for 2013! iCamp also features a pretty sweet Scrapbook with pictures from past summers. You can click on any picture and it will expand so you can get a better look! In addition to feeds from our CECBR Facebook, Twitter and Blog you can listen to and download both Equinunk & Blue Ridge Alma Maters – and even sing along with the lyrics! Pretty neat right?
Current Families, Welcome Page – We wanted to build a website that we could keep fresh with new content throughout the year. Our Welcome Page in the Current Families section is going to feature letters from Equinunk and Blue Ridge staff, campers, and alumni! Currently our very own Director Adam Baker discusses his time at CECBR as a camper, counselor and now – a director! Be sure to check it out.
We’re so proud of our new site and hope that it becomes an online home for you too!