NEW PARENT MEETING Wednesday, May 11th Marriott Hotel, Uniondale, NY 7:30-9:30 PM
Please join us for a special New Parent Orientation. You’ll have an opportunity to meet our head counselors, group leaders, and other key staff who will be taking care of your children this summer. We know you will also enjoy meeting the parents of other first time campers, having all of your questions answered, and getting last minute departure information. Please note: this event is for parents only.
*Light refreshments will be served.
NEW CAMPER PICNIC Sunday, June 5th Camp Jacobson at Robin Hood- Brookville, NY
The annual New Camper Picnic is designed for your child(ren) to meet other campers who are attending Equinunk and Blue Ridge for his/her first summer. The children will enjoy exciting activities, learn camp cheers, and share a buffet lunch with his/her new friends and counselors. Our new camper picnic is meant for new campers only. Siblings may attend, but may not participate in new camper events. Be sure to have your camper wear sneakers to the picnic so he/she may participate in all of the action! The times for each picnic are as follows:
Camp Blue Ridge 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Camp Equinunk 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Please R.S.V.P. by emailing or call the office at 631-329-3239.
We look forward to seeing you!
Sheryl, Richie, Adam and Stacy