EBR Camps Blog
Check Out More Photos From The May 2nd Trip Up To Camp By Clicking Here: http://on.fb.me/jQuP39
Work Continues At The New Pool at Equinunk. Wait Until You See The New Slide!
Camp Games For A Cause!
Link: Camp Games For A Cause!
On May 21st, Summer Camp Alumni & Staff (17 & Older) will gather at Columbia Universities Athletic Facilities in New York City to participate in a Color War style event while raising money to send kids from low income families to summer camp!
Here is another view of the reconstructed Equinunk infirmary, featuring a 1,850 sq. ft. addition allowing for a very comfortable stay in one of six semi-private, media enhanced, air-conditioned rooms. As great as that might sound – we certainly hope that you are only seeing these renovations from afar. However, should you need a little extra TLC, you will be “livin’ it up” under the watchful eye of our tremendous medical staff.
With the weather warming – the work continues up at camp! Check Out the renovated Infirmary at Equinunk!
Spring Buzzer: Call For Content:
Well it’s that time of year again for the Spring edition of ‘the Buzzer,’ our official camp newsletter.
As we work to put the finishing touches on the buzzer, we encourage you to send us your articles, poems, and to share any wonderful news or events going on in your lives, so that we may share it with our entire CE/CBR Family.
Please send all submissions to scott@cecbr.com by Friday April 15th.
New Camper Event Details
NEW PARENT MEETING Wednesday, May 11th Marriott Hotel, Uniondale, NY 7:30-9:30 PM
Please join us for a special New Parent Orientation. You’ll have an opportunity to meet our head counselors, group leaders, and other key staff who will be taking care of your children this summer. We know you will also enjoy meeting the parents of other first time campers, having all of your questions answered, and getting last minute departure information. Please note: this event is for parents only.
*Light refreshments will be served.
NEW CAMPER PICNIC Sunday, June 5th Camp Jacobson at Robin Hood- Brookville, NY
The annual New Camper Picnic is designed for your child(ren) to meet other campers who are attending Equinunk and Blue Ridge for his/her first summer. The children will enjoy exciting activities, learn camp cheers, and share a buffet lunch with his/her new friends and counselors. Our new camper picnic is meant for new campers only. Siblings may attend, but may not participate in new camper events. Be sure to have your camper wear sneakers to the picnic so he/she may participate in all of the action! The times for each picnic are as follows:
Camp Blue Ridge 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Camp Equinunk 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Please R.S.V.P. by emailing stacyf@cecbr.com or call the office at 631-329-3239.
We look forward to seeing you!
Sheryl, Richie, Adam and Stacy
Health Forms Due In 16 Days!
Camp is just 88 days away and as the CECBR Team preps for the best summer yet – we are making big strides towards computerizing our Health Center and Medical Records!
At your earliest convenience please log into your CampInTouch account and continue to ‘Forms and Documents’ where you will find the following 2011 Forms:
- Camper Health History (must be completed online)
- Camper Insurance Form (this form needs to be downloaded and printed)
- Camper Physician&Immunization Form (this form needs to be downloaded and printed)
- Green Card – please remember to complete BOTH Sides. (this form is mailed to our families, if you have not received it please call the office.)
Additionally, if you are unable to schedule your child’s physician’s appointment before the April 15th forms deadline please complete ALL OTHER Health & Insurance forms and call the office so we can expect it at a later date.
All forms are due in JUST 16 DAYS – log in and complete today! If you need any help please call the camp office. If you have already completed your 2011 Health Forms, we thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and please ignore this notice.
– The CECBR Team