Happy Sunday! It’s time for another Richie Kamen story as we continue on in our series. This week’s story is The Frog And The Scorpion – which is a favorite here in the East Hampton Office!
Since this is a special Sunday night edition and tomorrow is October 1st (and Monday) – we thought we would throw in some bonus tracks for you! How many times have you said — “wow do I wish I could wake up to Reville this morning, just like I do at camp!” Well guess what folks – now you can! Check out the two tracks below recorded by one of our very own CA girls – Chloe! Remember, you can listen and download using the player below:
Yom Kippur also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Examples of both themes can be found in this next story from Richie – entitled “Nails & The Tree”:
Every Friday night at camp we have the privilege of listening to Richie’s stories. It is certainly one of our weekly highlights and now you can listen to some of your favorites in your very own home and year-round!
Over the next few weeks we will continue to post stories to our Blog, New Media Center located in the Current Families Section of our website and iCamp! The hope is that you download each and every one of these stories to create a set!
For this week we decided to do something special – we are posting THREE tracks! One of which is a Bugle call recorded from one of our very own CA girls, Chloe! Play the tracks in order and it will all make sense! Enjoy and as Richie would say after finishing his stories on Friday night…”Shabbat Shalom.”
The first in a series of Camp Stories from Richie Kamen has been released and is available for listening and download! We will continue to add tracks throughout the next few days and weeks. Enjoy one of our personal favorites – The Rabbi and The Coachman:
To Download the story – press the “Download” button in the upper right hand corner of the player above.
Summer 2012 may have ended a few weeks ago but we have already turned our attention to Summer 2013! We are thrilled to announce our Important Dates for our next camp season:
We are working on our NEW online Media Center so you can enjoy all of the amazing photos and videos we are producing this summer at Equinunk & Blue Ridge! In the interim – check out this awesome Highlight Video from CE Father/Son Weekend!
Two great articles were published on the New York Times Blog Network on Summer Camp! You can check them both out here:
The Camp Counselor vs. The Intern
In an act of quiet rebellion, my daughter will spend this summer as a counselor at a sleep-away camp in the Adirondacks. As rebellions go, this one is admittedly very tame. But she is resisting considerable pressure to join the throngs of anxious fellow collegians (she’s finishing her junior year) who will pad their résumés with summer internships in corporations, charities, law firms and other employers that, according to conventional wisdom, offer better preparation for the brutal economy than a summer camp.
Are you having trouble getting your 9-year-old daughter to make her bed every day? How about your 11-year-old son? Does he get up in the morning and run down to the dining room to set the breakfast table for the family? And after breakfast, does he clear the dishes and wipe down the table? He doesn’t? Sorry to hear that. (Neither did mine.)
And while I’m at it, may I ask about video games? Texting? Do your children get angry and stubborn when you ask them to shut off their electronics at dinner time or when it is time for bed? Lots of parents have told me that the turn-off-the-video-games confrontations can be tougher to handle than the turn-off-the-TV moments.
Whether the issue is chores or screens, at times like these we question our own parenting: have we spoiled our children? Do they lack discipline … or do we? Should we emulate the focus of the tiger moms? Why can’t we raise our bon bébés with the natural authority of French parents? Why is it that our children, by the age of 8 or 9, have tired of our commands and our advice? We must look ourselves in the mirror and ask: What should we be doing differently? Time to buy more parenting books!
As a so-called “parenting expert,” I am struck by how often American parents think that the answer to their parenting dilemmas is for them to do more, or better, or to do something differently. I disagree. I often believe parents should do less, and should sometimes take themselves out of the picture, especially in the summer, when it’s easy to stop battling and turn some of the toughest parenting challenges over to 20- and 21-year-olds who can perform magic with their children.
We hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend! In the next week or two you will be receiving more information on our Father/Son event set for June 23rd. This will include a Packing List of what to bring, details on arrival and information on bunking. Please keep an eye on your INBOX for this important information.
We have an incredible weekend planned and we are excited to have you on-board! See you in 26 Days!
It wasn’t much of a surprise to Sheryl and Richie when Silicon Valley came calling last month with an incredible offer to move CE/CBRwest to Palo Alto, California. After all, our camps have been around for 92 years compared with the typical newbie startups like Instagramwith roughly a dozen employees and is less than 2 years old.
The Valley has long been aware of our amazing website and the 50,000 pictures we post every summer. Our families always rave about the quality of these photos. With all the new phone applications available to the masses, the expectations were out-of-control to have simulated camp experiences streaming all over the world without ever leaving their living rooms.
A few of the Upper Seniors and PCs heard of the potential take-over and were actually planning to order their meals by phone from Bunks 33 and 31, respectively. We rejected that out if hand because of our no cell phone policy.
With enormous sums of wealth available to these businesses, it didn’t surprise us in the slightest that the venture capitalists offered to “air lift” the entire campus, including all of the CBR quads, the Garden, “E”rena, both tribal rings, The Ridge and even the lake if we signed on the dotted line.
One Silicon Valley specialist told us “Everything is going mobile. We’ve got the hardware, the apps and now we need the user experience.” While many may romanticize of an IPO, and dream that their company will elbow its way into the realm of the giants, we are content to have the sweetest and nicest children enjoy a non-mobile, timeless experience at CE and CBR just as thousands of campers and their families have since 1920.
By the way,…..not to be outdone by Instagram, our new website has launched. It may not be Silicon Valley, but it is Blue Ridge and Equinunk, from a small town in northeast Pennsylvania
We hope by now you have grown accustomed to the new online home of Camps Equinunk & Blue Ridge! Not only is our new website jam-packed with information about our camps but we have added some pretty special features that will only enhance your online experience at CECBR.com even further! Be sure to check them out:
CampInTouch from the Homepage: Our CampInTouch system is now even more accessible with a login from the homepage of CECBR.com! Just enter your Email & Password and click GO to gain access!
Official BLOG of CECBR is now available on the website: We have moved our blog from Tumblr to our new site. Now everything is in one place and we will continue to update this area with news and updates year-round. To visit the blog, you can click on the green ‘BLOG’ button from the homepage or in the lower left hand corner of any inner page.
iCamp: iCamp is specially designed for interaction and exploration! You can visit our Interactive Map to see all of the amazing activities and facilities we offer on both our Equinunk and Blue Ridge campus. You will even get a sneak-peak at some of our New Facilities for 2013! iCamp also features a pretty sweet Scrapbook with pictures from past summers. You can click on any picture and it will expand so you can get a better look! In addition to feeds from our CECBR Facebook, Twitter and Blog you can listen to and download both Equinunk & Blue Ridge Alma Maters – and even sing along with the lyrics! Pretty neat right?
Current Families, Welcome Page – We wanted to build a website that we could keep fresh with new content throughout the year. Our Welcome Page in the Current Families section is going to feature letters from Equinunk and Blue Ridge staff, campers, and alumni! Currently our very own Director Adam Baker discusses his time at CECBR as a camper, counselor and now – a director! Be sure to check it out.
We’re so proud of our new site and hope that it becomes an online home for you too!