We hope you are enjoying our Winter Issue of The Buzzer! We would love to send copies of The Buzzer to your camper directly. In order to do so, please fill out the form:
We hope you are enjoying our Winter Issue of The Buzzer! We would love to send copies of The Buzzer to your camper directly. In order to do so, please fill out the form:
We are often reminded that imitation is the greatest source of flattery and what we saw on Super Bowl Sunday merely mirrors what we see every summer at CECBR.
Our feelings were mixed watching the final game of Ray Lewis’ 17 year Hall of Fame career, because at CE and at CBR we treasure and place greater value on the virtues of integrity and humanity, rather than just applauding excellence in sports or other activities.
We weren’t too concerned when the Baltimore Ravens threatened to turn the game into a “blowout” after jumping off to a 28-6 margin, because, we’re always confident that some campers and counselors will hit their stride once they transition from home to the nurturing, warmth and fun that camp has to share with them. Just like the 49ers, they grow with confidence every moment, and make a mark for themselves as well as enriching everyone around them by summer’s end.
The unusual 35 minute power delay seems scripted from the 2011 Upper Senior Basketball Game when a spectator accidentally hit the light switch in the Social Hall and it took a little less time (only 20 minutes for us!) for the fixtures to power on. It reminds us of when an idea pops into our heads at camp, it’s like a lightbulb going on as we realize it’s time to begin an unsolicited act of kindness that makes everyone and everything around camp a little brighter.
Football, not withstanding, Beyonce’s half-time performance received great reviews, much welcomed after criticism of her recent lip-sync White House performance of the National Anthem. She was determined to show the world that she “lives for this” and brought authenticity, humanity, and warmth with her song-sisters, Destiny’s Child. Generations singing and cheering in the Blue Ridge Mess Hall realize the value of singing with camp sisters, a solo of many, enriches the passion, quality and depth of sisterhood.
We’re a camp of young and older, new and less new, so we were all certain that the 49ers rookie quarterback and his Ravens seasoned counterpart would lead with distinction and give us a “game for the ages”, just as we all make every camp season a “summer for the ages.”
WE LIVE FOR THIS!…Inspires, makes us think, makes us laugh, makes us cry, makes a difference in our lives. Gives us courage to try, to pick ourselves up after falling, to venture forward and follow our dreams and an adventure, to allow the story to unfold and love that we’re all in it together.
These emotions are all stirred and sweetened every year at the Oscar ceremony as we saw last week at the 85th annual Academy Awards.
If some of you thought I was referring to camp and not the Oscars, what if the leading movies were filmed at camp? What if?? Well, they might have looked a bit like this……
Argo, a great Color War theme, whether in Blue, Red or Gray/Grey with terrific break possibilities. Imagine as speeding trucks chase a plane trying to prevent its take-off, portraying courage, imagination and commitment to our camp brothers and sisters and never forgetting someone or leaving a friend out.
Life of Pi, a compelling drama with a young(er) Chuck Porazzo cast in the title role on a raft at the new CBR waterfront, with a whistle and a clipboard as he stargazes in 3-D at endless CBR summer skies.
The historical Lincoln, a three plus hour movie that plays like a seven week summer memorializes the struggles of the Presidency and the Congress. It depicts them coming to grips with historical differences recognizing every voice regardless of their perspective and viewpoint. Set in the Senior Quad overlooking the lake, the Blue and Grey uniforms of the Union and the Confederacy could be updated by Morton’s and Everything Camper.
Les Miserables, like EBR, is about transformation, singing and cheering. Gavroche, the youngest child, soars with his rendition of Little People and help saves the moment with his valiance and courage. The show stopper, One Day More, is the anthem for every PC and every Upper Senior for wanting one more summer. The themes of Les Mis and CECBR transcend generations and are kept alive through all of our voices.
Flight, with Steven Gelobter, aka “MCW”, playing the pilot as he inverts his damaged plane for an amazingly safe landing as Color War breaks and even more surprising, the sheets land perfectly on Lehrer Field.
Zero Dark Thirty, dramatizes one woman’s unyielding efforts and commitment to stand up and be counted while putting much at risk in order to follow and be true to her beliefs. This is a time honored Blue Ridge theme we see summer after summer.
Silver Linings Playbook’s Oscar winner, Jennifer Laurence, trips, falls and triumphs just like in the movie as she receives her award in Hollywood. At CECBR, we know our friends and counselors are always there to help pick us up and cheer our next victory.
However, my recent Oscar-worthy favorite moment was from 2012, Moneyball. A towering baseball player is awkward, fearful and reluctant to go for the extra base. Finally, after summoning the courage to try after a big hit, he trips rounding first base and slowly crawls back untagged. The first baseman as well as his coach are laughing and clapping. They’re cheering him and encouraging him to get up and run because the ball he never saw traveled 100 feet over the fence for a homerun.
Like all the Academy Award nominated films, everyone at CECBR makes our hearts grow bigger, gives us strength as they stand by our side, makes every day an adventure, every moment a precious laugh and every day an uplifting story.
So…. the homerun or the Oscar goes to the entire CECBR Family 2013!!!
As members of our Camps Equinunk & Blue Ridge family, you are well aware of our commitment to maintain a Wholesome, Inclusive and Nurturing Environment during the summer months and year-round. It is with this philosophy in mind that we take a stand against bullying. CNN has produced a documentary called “The Bully Effect” which follows the stories of a number of people filmmaker Lee Hirsch introduced audiences to in his remarkable 2012 film “Bully.” These are kids and parents who have taken their pain, their suffering, their grief and turned it into action. The documentary will air this evening on CNN’s Anderson Cooper at 10 PM.
We strongly encourage CECBR parents, staff and campers to tune in tonight and invite you to join the conversation and take a stand on bullying.
Warm Regards,
Sheryl, Richie & Adam
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Hi CECBR! I took this picture of the Equinunk lake in the beginning of the summer. Early in the morning I was on the camp boat and it was a nice day out so I thought it would be a good picture. The picture was taken when the boat was in the middle of the lake. Can’t wait to see everyone at the reunion!
– Ben Simens
We’ve been running into camp families everywhere we travel and hearing how much they are enjoying Richie’s stories. Our hope for you is that you will listen to them over and over and begin to tell them and re-tell them, re-make them and re-invent them in your own way. Embellishments of the original tales have been added to and augmented in bedtime re-telling’s for generations of Equinunk and Blue Ridge campers.
To grow-up steeped in these telling’s is to learn two unforgettable lessons: first, that some of these stories may have not been “completely” true. (There are no real genies in bottles or flying carpets) but even if they were not true they could make you feel and know truths that the truth could not tell you, and second that they all belong to you, just as they belong to us. They are yours to alter and renew, yours to laugh at and live in , to give these stories life and to be given life by them in return. The stories are your Equinunk and Blue Ridge birthright.
Hello & Happy Friday!
We just wanted to let you all know that our Winter Reunion for our 2012 Equinunk and Blue Ridge campers will be on Saturday January 5th, 2013 at the Westchester Renaissance Hotel. Details and times will be made available as the event approaches.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!
All The Best,
The CECBR Team
It’s Friday night which means it’s time for another Richie Kamen classic! Here it is — The Grandma Story. As always, the story is available for Download using the player below!
Well, it’s that time of year again for the Fall Edition of ‘The Buzzer,’ our official camp newsletter.
As we work to put the finishing touches on the buzzer, we encourage you to send us your articles, poems, and to share any wonderful news or events going on in your lives, so that we may share it with our entire Equinunk/Blue Ridge family.
Please send all submissions to scott@cecbr.com with the Subject Line “Fall Buzzer Submission.” Thank You!
All The Best,
The CECBR Team